Okay, it's not comletely true, I'm developing a serious issue with dyeing yarn. Every skein a surprise, I love seeing how they turn out!
My other news? Well me and my new and daring self (notice the plural usage there) have opened a shop on Etsy.
Yes, I have.
Hand me a paper bag please.
Curious? Here's the link Lazy Squirrel Farm
I'll be setting up the shop and getting things listed over the next couple of weeks. This idea has been hovering in my mind over the summer and Justin's been giving me poke between the shoulder blades about it every now again. I had two runs at the Farmer's Market, with some success and positive reviews about the yarn, so I'm taking the next step. I'm also taking the next step because 3 hrs in the frigid Fall weather was a good incentive to find a way to do this in closer proximity to my woodstove!
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