We've started summer vacation at last! Bruce will be moving on to Jr. High, that's hard to believe right now. He's also moving irrigation for our neighbor in exchange for 1 ton of hay for Isis (mostly his mare).
After all the hot weather the last couple of weeks of school, we've gone back to more appropriate weather for the time of year. Of course this also followed getting the pool, which is set up and ready to go...and it's a bit too cold to use at this point. The heat will come, it always does. The boys have been busy sneaking rides (usually when needing to get chores done, the horses move out earshot faster than they can run....handy!), running around, helping out with fencing, the girls are busy helping out with weeding and being girls.
The garden is coming along nicely! The peppers and tomatoes are already blooming, which is amazing. The rest is all coming in very well and we'll have fresh cantalope and watermelon this year!! They didn't do so well last year, so we're very excited.
Justin is on his last vacation before the summer insanity starts for the year. We're all enjoying this time, before the heat of the season sets in, harvest and putting up from the garden is a ways off, big Spring chores are finished. It's a good time to just sit back and enjoy for a while. :)