Monday, June 11, 2007

Summer Vacation!

We've started summer vacation at last! Bruce will be moving on to Jr. High, that's hard to believe right now. He's also moving irrigation for our neighbor in exchange for 1 ton of hay for Isis (mostly his mare).
After all the hot weather the last couple of weeks of school, we've gone back to more appropriate weather for the time of year. Of course this also followed getting the pool, which is set up and ready to go...and it's a bit too cold to use at this point. The heat will come, it always does. The boys have been busy sneaking rides (usually when needing to get chores done, the horses move out earshot faster than they can run....handy!), running around, helping out with fencing, the girls are busy helping out with weeding and being girls.
The garden is coming along nicely! The peppers and tomatoes are already blooming, which is amazing. The rest is all coming in very well and we'll have fresh cantalope and watermelon this year!! They didn't do so well last year, so we're very excited.
Justin is on his last vacation before the summer insanity starts for the year. We're all enjoying this time, before the heat of the season sets in, harvest and putting up from the garden is a ways off, big Spring chores are finished. It's a good time to just sit back and enjoy for a while. :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I guess I can start out with an update. We've come to that time of year that's crazy and lazy all at the same time it seems. Time for getting gardens in and time for the school year to come to a close. This year we've extended our garden out another 30' along with a new potato patch and added a fence to keep the girls out. ;) Lesson learned very well from last year.

The next big news would be our two new additions to the family, Isis and Beauty. No one is exactly sure of their breed, but they are kids horses and love attention. They are older, 17 or so, but they'll travel around the pasture in nothing but a halter and lead for reins. A perfect pair for a quick ride in the summer, or for just laying around on. In any case, they've been here for a couple of days now and already taken the kids (including me) for a few trips around the pasture. They're just about spoiled completely on horse treats and they're making great weed eaters. ;)
On the rest of us, Justin made Sergant in March, that's come with benefits as well as more demands. We've almost finished another round of birthdays here's the last tally: Bruce-11yrs, Lars- 9 yrs, Anna- 8 yrs, Leif- still 5 and Malina is still 3. I hit 31 this last January and Justin is 33. Everything still works the way it should, although I've run across some mornings this Spring where getting out of bed was a slower affair than it was a few years ago. It's funny, but I don't remember bareback riding having this many sore muscles as when I was a teen. Bruce has done more and is still running around without missing a beat.
We've lived here almost 2 yrs now and I've managed to sneak in another cat, 2 dogs (1 we lost to Parvo), 3 horses, 1 rabbit (Holland Lop, Oreo) and a manic mass of chickens and a duck that thinks he's a chicken. I bought my first horse last January, he's a maroon and is being sold however. Amazingly I've only painted one room in that time, there's just too many colors to choose from! This would probably be due to the fact, truth be told, that I have a bunch of garden beds to play in outside and I'd rather be doing that. One rose garden has been relocated, the side beds are being gutted of what's not thriving and replanted in wildflowers. This year I've started draping the house in Honeysuckle and Trumpet Vine.
Kids...well they're alive. Somedays I find that fact astounding in and of itself! We've become the house to migrate too, so there are generally a couple of strays around after school and during the weekends. The older three are all doing very well with grades. Bruce is going into middle school next year....please wait a moment while I pick myself up off the floor......luckily this is a short chair. They want to enter their animals in the fair this year, so we're working on that. With the arrival of the two mares, we'll be hitting a couple of the Junior Rodeos next year (hopefully). Their days are filled with riding bikes and getting dirty, just the way it should be. They're all very excited about the garden, something they don't mind...yet. ;)
The two little ones, well one's little and one isn't. LOL They're busy, busy, busy and in the dirt every chance they get. Malina has a thing for monkies right now, everything Monkey. Leif is Spiderman. There are days that I've lost him, only to find him up at the hall ceiling. He's learned to climb the walls and door jams, I guess it's a good place to be when you feel like getting away.
Bruce is busy being an 11yr old. I'm not sure how to describe that. He's learning to rope right now and pretty good at it! Lars, well when he's not contemplating why something that's made by a woman is still called 'man-made', he's entertaining us with Jim Carey impressions (honestly he rivals him in what he can do!). Anna.....she's just tenacious! She attacks life full on and loves every minute of it. Whether she's trying to power slide her bike like Lars or singing 'Opera' she gives it her all and keeps on going.
So that's where we're at for now. Hope everyone is fairing well!

New to this

I've just set things up around here so, still working it all out. I'll post a catch up once I find my way around things. ;)